Swing Left funds

Additional strategic funds

We’ve crafted these strategic funds to maximize the impact of your donation on electing Democratic majorities and protecting democracy in 2024 and beyond.

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What’s most important to you?

Democrats' path to victory runs through 12 Swing Left Super States crucial to building a federal trifecta and state-level power. Based on your priorities, we’ll guide you to the best fund aligned with your values and our research-backed strategy.

A Pro-Democracy Backstop if Trump Wins:

Win Back the House Fund

Democrats can win back the U.S. House by netting five additional seats out of the 435 up for election this November.

Help Democrats in 10 winnable House races

Win Back the House Fund

Democrats lost the House by just 6,675 votes in 2022 and only need to net five more seats to regain the majority in November. This fight is winnable, so we're investing in Swing Districts where our collective efforts can make the biggest impact.

Looking for a single fund with maximum impact?