Fund Details

Win Back the House Fund

What you need to know

Democrats lost the House by just 6,675 votes in 2022 and only need to net five more seats to regain the majority in November. By focusing on the most competitive Swing Districts across the country, we can help ensure Democrats retake the House—a critical backstop if Trump wins the presidency.

Where your money goes

Will Rollins Headshot


Will Rollins


Will Rollins, a former federal prosecutor focused on counterterrorism and counterintelligence, is running to flip CA-41 in a rematch against incumbent Ken Calvert. This toss-up district became more competitive in the last round of redistricting and continues to trend more Democratic, with Biden’s loss margin shrinking from 4 points in 2016 to 1 point in 2020.

Dave Min Headshot


Dave Min


Dave Min is running to replace California Senate candidate Katie Porter in CA-47, where local volunteer groups have invested significant time and energy over the last several election cycles to keep the district competitive. In the last few months before Election Day, Min needs a boost of funding to help the campaign finish strong—and hold onto this hard-won seat.

Yadira Caraveo Headshot


Yadira Caraveo


Yadira Caraveo, a pediatrician and former state legislator, is running for reelection in one of the most competitive races in the country. CO-08 is one of seven new House districts created after the 2020 census, and Caraveo won her 2022 election by just 0.7 percentage points.

Carl Marlinga Headshot


Carl Marlinga


MI-10 is the only competitive congressional district in the greater Detroit metro area—and it has competitive state legislative districts nested within it. Investing in MI-10 will fuel Carl Marlinga’s rematch against incumbent Republican John James, turning out voters for key races up and down the ballot in this high-impact district.

Rep. Dina Titus Headshot


Rep. Dina Titus


NV-01 is one of three Nevada congressional districts with vulnerable incumbents and Dina Titus needs a boost to keep her fundraising on par with the state’s other competitive races. Titus has represented NV-01 since 2013, and keeping her seat blue can help House Democrats net the five seats needed to win back the majority.

Rep. Marcy Kaptur Headshot


Rep. Marcy Kaptur


Marcy Kaptur is a senior Congresswoman who’s represented Ohio voters since 1983—now the longest serving woman in the history of Congress. As a former city and regional planner, Kaptur has fought for investment in critical transportation and infrastructure projects in Ohio. A fundraising boost will help Kaptur engage voters in her district and hold onto this important seat.

Andrea Salinas Headshot


Andrea Salinas


Currently in her first term in Congress, Andrea Salinas is working to level the playing field for Oregon farmers and rural communities and create more good-paying, union jobs. Salinas won her 2022 race by just 2.4 percentage points in the Willamette Valley district. A fundraising boost can help secure this increasingly competitive seat for Democrats this November.

Janelle Stelson Headshot


Janelle Stelson


PA-10 is among the top two opportunities for a red-to-blue pickup in Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation, along with PA-01. Democrat Janelle Stelson is a strong candidate to represent Harrisburg—the state’s capital city—and unseat her opponent Scott Perry, who’s held the district since 2013.

Chris Deluzio Headshot


Chris Deluzio


PA-17 is the most competitive U.S. House district in the Pittsburgh area, where Democrat Chris Deluzio is running for reelection. Deluzio succeeded Conor Lamb—former congressman and U.S. Senate candidate—in representing this district, winning his 2022 race by under 7 percentage points.

Rebecca Cooke Headshot


Rebecca Cooke


Rebecca Cooke is running in Wisconsin’s most competitive U.S. House race: WI-03, which stretches across the state’s southwest border toward Minneapolis. Investing in her race can also help boost voter participation in this critical swing state, which could decide control of the Senate and White House.

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