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Volunteer events

Enter your zip code to find a volunteer event hosted by someone in your community.

Check out volunteer events hosted by campaigns and Swing Left organizers.


Events near [[state.lastSearchedZip]]:

Or host your own event:

New to hosting events with Swing Left? Our Grassroots Support Team is here to help!
Email any questions you have to, or schedule a meeting with a member of our team.

Host an Organizing Event

Bring your community together to discuss upcoming elections, review volunteer tactics, and more.

Host an organizing event

Host a Swing Left Canvass

Talk to voters year-round in a key Swing State or District to build connections and increase voter turnout.

Host a Swing Left canvass

Host a high-traffic canvass

Head out into your community to recruit new volunteers for your group.

Host a canvass

Host a Friend Bank

Bring folks together to reach out to their friends and family and ask them to take action with your group!

Host a friend bank

Host a Letter Writing Party

No matter where you live, you can motivate voters in target states by sending them personalized letters.

Host a letter writing party

Host a Fundraiser

Help raise early money for candidates when donations have the greatest impact.

Host a fundraiser

Host a Canvass Meetup or Carpool

Travel to a target state or district to knock doors with a campaign—the most effective way to get voters to turn out.

Host a canvass meetup or carpool

Host a Phone Bank

Calling voters is a key way to help get them to the polls.

Host a phone bank

Hosting an event on your college campus?

Promote your event with Swing Left’s College Network!

Host a college event