Target U.S. House race

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We need to flip this seat.

Biden '20 margin:


Midterms '22 margin:


District shift:


Janelle Bynum


Will continue to defend reproductive rights and codify Roe v. Wade at the federal level.

Committed to fighting climate change and protecting Oregon’s great natural resources.

Has been instrumental in passing legislation that invests in mental health care and expands youth voter engagement.

Lori Chavez-DeRemer


Supported Trump’s tax cuts for wealthy corporations and attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

Backs an extreme, near-total ban on abortion.

Refuses to admit that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election.

Volunteer Spotlight:

Mete / Philadelphia, PA

"I recently did team-building events with my groups in Delaware and New Jersey who are both interested in flipping Pennsylvania. Everyone is ready to go and fully motivated."