Target U.S. House race

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We need to hold this seat.

Biden '20 margin:


Midterms '22 margin:


District shift:


Steven Horsford

democrat (Incumbent)

Introduced the HOME Act to address the housing crisis, penalizing predatory corporate property value manipulation.

Advocates for affordable prescription drug prices for all.

Re-introduced the Break the Cycle of Violence Act.

John Lee

republican (Challenger)

Supports a nationwide abortion ban and is staunchly pro-life.

Will vote to end birthright citizenship.

Backed by the NRA and the Sharpshooters of America, naming him Legislator of the Year in 2008.

Volunteer Spotlight:

Mete / Philadelphia, PA

"I recently did team-building events with my groups in Delaware and New Jersey who are both interested in flipping Pennsylvania. Everyone is ready to go and fully motivated."