Target U.S. House race

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We need to hold this seat.

Biden '20 margin:


Midterms '22 margin:


District shift:


Susie Lee

democrat (Incumbent)

Secured more than $19 million in community projects from the National Defense Authorization Act.

Introduced a bill to increase veterans' access to mental health resources with the goal of ending veteran suicide.

Helped negotiate the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and obtained $63 million for Nevada water conservation efforts.

Drew Johnson

republican (Challenger)

Will cut Medicare and strip Nevadans of access to quality and affordable healthcare.

Supports reinstating Title IX.

Supports Trump’s border wall.

Volunteer Spotlight:

Mete / Philadelphia, PA

"I recently did team-building events with my groups in Delaware and New Jersey who are both interested in flipping Pennsylvania. Everyone is ready to go and fully motivated."