Target U.S. Senate race

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We need to hold this seat.

Senate '18 margin:


Biden '20 margin:


Shift '18-'20:


Jon Tester

democrat (Incumbent)

Has fought to lower prescription drug costs and hold massive corporations accountable.

Passed bills that provided compensation benefits for disabled veterans and VA construction projects.

Supports innovation for Montana's small businesses.

Tim Sheehy

republican (Challenger)

A Republican-led Senate can block Biden judicial nominations.

A Republican-led Senate could reverse or defund President Biden’s executive actions.

Future progressive legislation on health care, abortion access, and more would be threatened by a Republican-led Senate.

Volunteer Spotlight:

Mete / Philadelphia, PA

"I recently did team-building events with my groups in Delaware and New Jersey who are both interested in flipping Pennsylvania. Everyone is ready to go and fully motivated."